Ahh the tangled webs we humans weave! As virtual spaces like Second Life and its follow ons continue to evolve, I expect to see all sorts of things come out of them.
The good-
- People finding each other virtually and then successfully starting long term/marriage relationships in real life (like me).
- People making money selling virtual goods.
- Numerous multinational friendships being made.
- Companies using virtual spaces to help further globalize the work force.
- Virtual outreaches to people who need help (including Christian outreaches, counceling, entertainment for isolated people).
The ugly
- People abusing each other in real life after meeting virtual (including broken hearts, rape, murder, kidnapping, etc...)
- Virtual prostitution with a blur between virtual and real.
- Addiction...people have no sense. If they like something, they will give all they have to it. Their time, their jobs, their families, their savings.
- Organized crime using virtual spaces for meeting, planing.
- Blackmail
- All sorts of gender bending weirdity, "furry sex", more creepy stuff that will inevitably spill over into real life.
- The list goes on.
Welcome to the 21st Century people!
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