Step 0: Create a new core MVC project, select the option for authentication called something like "store credentials in application" (I'm updating VS Studio right now so going on memory).
Step 1: Add whatever properties you want to the ApplicationUser class, stuff like
public string SomeField {get; set;}
public string SomeOtherField {get;set}
Step 2: from the nuget console, run add-migration , give it a name.
Step 3: from the nuget console, run update-database
When done you can use whatever to see the table with the new fields (In VS sql server object explorer).
Optional: You can tweak all the view and manage models to support your new fields. I didn't for now. I just went in and gave one of my new fields a value.
Step 4: Tweak you controller and inject the usermanager into your controller.
a) include using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity; and maybe the namespace of where you models reside.
b) Add a private usermanager variable to your controller like so-
private readonly UserManager
c) Then on your initialization method, inject the usermanager. If your controller is names HomeController it would look like this-
public HomeController ( UserManager
_userManager = userManager;
Step 5: In your controller you can now access the added properties to your user like so (in this example I added PersWeboptionsText to the field ApplicationUser class.
// test for a given value...
var weboption = _userManager.GetUserAsync( User ).Result?.PersWeboptionsText;
YAY! Now you can use and abuse that value to do whatever.
But what about in a view? Are we stuck always passing that value in as ViewData or something? No, you can use a similar approach. You must inject the user manager into your view (or into your _layout.cshtml file at the top like of the view like so-
@inject UserManager
Ok, now in your page to access customer ApplicationUser properties/fields, again using PersWeboptionsText as an example field added to ApplicationUser, you can do so like this-
@UserManager.GetUserAsync( User ).Result?.PersWeboptionsText
That should get you going. Next up is adding collections to the ApplicationUser and making sure they populate right.
I should come back and reformat this post and make it pretty...ain't nobody got time for that.
Happy Coding.
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