Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The Demoralized Coder

OK, another useless non-coding rant.  Here is the skinny of it.  I've got a core 2 project, a fairly larger web application, that I migrated to 2.1 and fixed a few problems.  Then core 3 came out and I was told to migrate to 3.  Well the 2.1 to 3, especially with the entity framework changes, is turning out to be a real pain.  Add in Telerik, which is a great control set, but I'm not sure the latest build is really core 3 ready for prime time.  So I'm getting all these issues and it is kind of a mission impossible.  At one point core 3.1 is coming out (December?) which will fix a bunch of things. But all my work arounds to get this app working in 3.0 will probably break then or be unnecessary by then too.

In essence I've got a working app, and just to keep the code base current while Microsoft finds itself is causing me a lot of grief.  I've got some health issues, and I don't expect to live till I'm 90.  I think I'll be lucky to him the mid 70ies point.  I've already been in IT for over 20 years.  I gotta admit I'm feeling a little burnt.  The money is good.  But it seems like I'm back on the coda obscura track rather than the creativity/problem solving track.  I want to solve the customers problems for getting an app that does what they need, not debug MS code each time they tweak something.  It is kinda getting old.  And the complexity of web development at this point, it is nothing I can't do but just the joy of doing it lately is a little lacking. 

So I ponder...there is the machismo factor of being on the bleeding edge...but I gotta say as of late I'm tired of bleeding all the time.  I'd like a lighter stack to work on, or maybe switch from web development to something else for awhile.  Not sure what or if that is practical.  I've got a great job with a great company, just the tools I've been given to do the job are starting to suck IMHO. 

I know waaaaa....I'll suck it up and make things happen like usual.  It just feels like ever iteration of doing this gets a little harder to pull off, and little longer to do, and more of a pain.  I like it when I'm not developing against moving targets so much and can get proficient without having to do a bunch of hacks to make things come together and focus on creating rather than hacking out esoteric problems. 

It doesn't help that this year has been really hard on the sick front.  I think I've been under the weather 4 out of 5 days on average this last 3 months.  Trying to think when you feel like a roasted turd isn't helping.

So, when this iteration is done, I will figure it out and make things come together, I hope to get a little bit of time to really think on what I want to do in life.  Do I want to reup for another 20 years doing the same thing I've been doing, do I just need a break, do I need to change focus?  Change tools?  All this I'm going to have to pray through.  Fear of taking a big money hit in changing careers is present, but my family unit if tightening the belt a little bit is possible we could get by with me making less money.  But, I don't want to screw them either.  All stuff to think about.

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