Friday, June 25, 2021

The Next Push

OK, so I took about six months off from the working world.  It was a disaster...but I wish it was longer :)  Since then I've been working for about 5 months now.  But I haven't been doing any side projects as I've been too busy trying to keep my head above water.

But starting next week that changes.    This weekend I will pull a bunch of data off my old laptop so it will become my son's.  After that I add a new secondary drive to my new laptop and start installing software.  Hopefully two weekends out I will be ready to go.  My targets will be R&D for work, working on my game, photoshop, and video reverse order :)  

Content creation is fun for me, so that will be my emphasis with the new laptop and most of my spare time.  We will see how it goes.